Monday, March 23, 2009

A Pebble in the Stream

I often think of how my life has been changed by little decisions and events. How different my life would have been if a different girl would have been available to play racquetball 29 years ago. Or even three years ago when I sent my resume to a friend, on a whim.

Those are just a couple of the "Pebbles in My Stream."

Nobody stops us and tells us, "Hey! Wait a minute! This decision you are making right now will change someone's life." And you were just trying to decide if you were going to buy the cheeseburger, or sit in row 4 on the Southwest airlines flight.

The changes may be big, they may be small, and sometimes they may seem to be completely irrelevant and meaningless. But there is a change, nonetheless. And only time can tell us the magnitude of the change.

I also recognize that sometimes I have been like a pebble (or even a big stone) in the lives of others, and hope that the impact I have made is a positive one.

It is impossible for me to control what pebbles are thrown into my stream. What I hope and commit to do in my life is to be a positive pebble if I am thrown into the stream of others. I want to help counteract the bad, the evil, and even the worthless by highlighting the good that I see, the good that I feel, and the good that I hear about.

So, join me as I tell you of the pebbles in my stream, the people who have thrown pebbles in my stream, and the impact it has had on my life.

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